Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Highly Appreciated Powerful Performance of American History X Essay
The Highly Appreciated Powerful Performance of American History X - Essay Example Maslin’s response to the violence depicted which he observes Derek commits â€Å"with horrifying gusto†. His take suggests the raw virility of Derek’s character is such that milks a certain kind of violent furiously and heats things up simply by viewing Derek in a sexual tryst right before the violence initiates. However, the focus of the film overflows with the ‘tacitly homoerotic violent energy’ of the skinhead bullies. Roger, on the other hand, focuses on the hostile tribalism being an epidemic angle of the movie. He denotes the rapidly spreading race hatred of the skinheads being largely due to the stringent culture of the local ethnic group. Cinematography, another key element of American History X, plays a vital role in its effective execution and hence formulates the basis of divergent critic responses. Mccarthy views Kaye’s registration of scenes from the movie as tremendously powerful, with a ‘certain fierce beauty’. The cinematography that is so artfully executed focuses on dramatic action as well as illustrates a ‘potent visceral effect’. According to Mccarthy it also rarely strays or overstates the case that the director is trying to present. Maslin, although believes that the storyline was oversimplified in the way it was reduced to a mere outline, seen in the way there is no detailed emphasis on the transformation that Derek undergoes in prison. That being said it is directed with an impressive combination of ‘handsome photo-realism’, as well as ‘visceral punch’, which effectively complements the fiery acting to make its impact felt.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Book of Sand Essay Example for Free
Book of Sand Essay 1.The book had affected the narrator to a great extent. At first he did not care for the book, until the stranger selling Bibles said â€Å"the number of pages in this book is literally infinite. No page is the first page; no page is the last†. This intrigued the narrator’s mind. After he had bought the book, he began investigating. He noted down things in the book. He began losing sleep from the investigation and when he actually got sleep, his dreams were about the book. As it states in the short story, â€Å"At night, during the rare intervals spared me by insomnia, I dreamed of the book†. He had grown an obsession with the book, which altered his lifestyle and forced him to hide the book in the library. 2.The literary device that the author uses to compare the book and himself to was a metaphor. When the narrator said, â€Å"it was cold consolation to think that I, who looked upon it with my eye and fondled it with my ten flesh-and-bone fingers, was no less monstrous than the book†, this proved that he was comparing himself to the monstrous book. The meaning and significance of this metaphor states that he was no different from the book. His mind was now as dense and endless. The book carried infinite secrets and toyed with its readers. As it stated in the short story, â€Å"I felt it was a nightmare thing, an obscene thing, and that it defiled and corrupted reality†. The narrator felt that the deadly secrets that emanated from the book were all getting to his head. His fear of infinite evil caused him to hide the demonic book and run away from the eternal thoughts. 3.In the short story, â€Å"The Book of Sand†by Jorge Luis Borges, the narrator states that he had become a â€Å"prisoner of the book†. This is evidently shown when he obsessively investigates the book. He barely slept because all he could think about was the book, and he barely left his house. As it’s shown, â€Å"I had but few friends left, and those I stopped seeing. A prisoner of the book, I hardly left my house†. He became isolated and trapped in the secrets and mystery of the book. 4.The salesman’s previous warning to the narrator about the book as he stated, â€Å"Look at it well. You will never see it again†, had come true in this short story. The book was infinite, full of endless amounts of illustrations and had no beginning or end. When the narrator said, â€Å"They never repeated themselves†, this proved that it was impossible for anyone to revisit the same page. Therefore the salesman’s previous warning had come true. 5.The author of the short story, Jorge Luis Borges, illustrates the idea of giving up the things we should have valued but instead take for granted for the sole purpose of pleasing one’s obsession to obtain things that will end up destroying humanity regardless of the fulfillment of curiosity. In the beginning, the narrator didn’t seem to care about The Book of Sand. It was not until the salesman had said that it had infinite pages that caught the attention of the narrator. He now wanted the book and would pay a great amount for it. When the narrator offered a trade, â€Å"I will offer you the full sum of my pension. . . and Wyclif’s black-letter Bible†, it proved that he would give up his valuables to get a hold of that book, which little did he know would actually destroy him. He grew an obsession for the book. As it states in the story, â€Å"At night, during the rare intervals spared me by insomnia, I dreamed of the book†. This provides evidence of the fact that he had been so extremely fixated on the diabolical book that even when his body was asleep, his mind was still obsessing over it. When he realizes the mistake he made, giving into his curiosity, he decides to get rid of the monstrous book. However at this point he had already lost his friends and the things he valued. The book had taken up a great extent of his time that could not be taken back, because unlike The Book of Sand, his life was not infinite. 6.The literary device used is a metaphor. I think this because when the narrator says â€Å"the best place to hide a leaf is in the forest†, he is referring to a way to hide The Book of Sand. At first he considered destroying the evil thing. Although he thought that the â€Å"burning of an infinite book might be similarly infinite, and suffocate the planet in smoke†. Therefore he thought to hide the book in plain sight. Hiding a leaf in the forest is like hiding a book in a library. He hid the book on one of the library’s damp shelves in the basement and tried not to notice where exactly he put it. He did this so he and anyone else wouldn’t be able to find the monstrous book. He didn’t want to be a â€Å"prisoner of the book†anymore. The book had ruined his life and took away time, the most precious thing we have in life. He didn’t want to be trapped by the isolation of the book and so he hid it where it could never be found.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Japan nears economy plan :: essays papers
Japan nears economy plan TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese policymakers drew closer Tuesday to an agreement on measures to remove two long-standing obstacles to an economic recovery -- banks' mountainous bad loans and stock market weakness. The ruling coalition government is expected to finalize by Wednesday a package centering on steps to help banks dispose of their non-performing loans and a special fund to absorb sales of shares held by banks. While the deadline was self-imposed and officials have been reluctant to guarantee it would be met, at stake is the credibility of political and financial leaders who have been unable to pull the nation out of economic doldrums for a decade. The country's benchmark Nikkei share price average, which shot up more than 3 percent at one point Tuesday on optimism about the economic package, risks a retreat towards last month's 16-year lows if no credible deal is reached. One key point of contention has been whether taxpayers' money should be used by a proposed fund to buy sha res from banks. The Financial Services Agency (FSA), Japan's financial regulator, had been reluctant to channel public funds into the body, saying government intervention in the market should be as limited as possible. But a member of the coalition panel studying the issue said the gap was narrowing. "The FSA seemed to have leaned closer toward us, although there are still some differences," he told reporters. The coalition has changed the name of the proposed body to "a fund to acquire banks' shareholdings" from a more crude "stock-buying fund," specifying that the aim was to help banks unload massive shareholdings, losses in which are squeezing their capital adequacy ratios and throttling lending. The banks have built up huge portfolios of shares in group companies and their clients as a means to cement business ties, but the drop in Japanese share prices over the last decade has brought calls to limit banks' shareholdings. The Nihon Keizai Shimbun financial daily reported earli er this week that  ¥15 trillion, or $119 billion, of funds from the state-backed banking safety net, the Deposit Insurance Corp., could be channeled to the proposed stock-buying body. The government is scheduled to hold a meeting of its emergency task force on economic measures Wednesday morning if agreement can be reached with the ruling coalition parties on Tuesday, an LDP official said. Copyright  © 2001, CNN America, INC.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Business and People Management Test
All of the following are examples of downward communication flows except managers pointing out problems that need attention employees completing attitude surveys managers telling employees to work more quickly managers informing employees of procedures managers assigning goals 2 points Question 2 are indicators of a strong organizational culture. Widely shared values Completely horizontal organizational charts Weak managers Narrowly defined roles Question 3 1 .Consequences of stress can surface as physiological behavioral psychological all of the above none of the above Question 4 symptoms. 1 . All of the following are characteristics of the organic model except employee empowerment arrow spans of control cross-functional teams cross-hierarchical teams flatness Question 5 1 . A plant manager who organizes the plant by separating engineering, accounting, manufacturing, personnel, and purchasing into departments is practicing differentiations. Reduce functional geographic graphic targe t customer Question 6 1 . The traditional view of conflict is the belief that conflict is neutral necessary situational-dependent natural harmful Question 7 1 . According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader's behavior is erected toward getting the Job done is called minimization consideration path-goal initiating structure Question 8 1 . Which tactic for overcoming resistance to change basically assumes that the source of resistance lies in misinformation? Caching and advancement education and communication occupation and manipulation training and development facilitation and support Question 9 1 . The approach to evaluation that uses feedback from those who have daily contact with an employee (everyone from mailbox personnel to customers to bosses to peers) is termed 360-degree evaluation radical incidents M BAA BARS Question 10 1. Research indicates that poor of interpersonal conflict. Communication motivation training hygiene leadership Question 11 is probably the most frequently cited source 1 .Honesty is absolutely essential to leadership. True False Question 12 1 . Which one of the following is not one of the primary ways to group Jobs? Process personality customer function Question 13 1 . Angelina feels that her cubicle neighbor talks too loudly on the phone, but in other ways she is a great neighbor. Angelina gets annoyed every time her neighbor's phone inns, but she has decided it's simply not worth the trouble to talk to her neighbor. Angelica's conflict intention is called resisting competing avoiding collaborating compromising Question 14 1 .Legitimate power is based on positive rewards expert knowledge interpersonal trust structural position respect and admiration Question 15 1 . The step in the action research process where information is gathered about prognosis evaluation diagnosis feedback action Question 16 1 . The text implies that the type of leader likely to have the most profound effect on his or her followers is the r eenactments educational transformational transactional actuarial Question 17 leader. 1 .Transformational leadership is built on top of transactional leadership. Question 18 1. A leader high in initiating structure would do which of the following? Assign group members to particular tasks seek consensus empower employees to make their own decisions exhibit laissez-fairer type of leadership Question 19 1 . All of the following are factors that serve to sustain organizational cultures except colonization top management selection frugality orientation Question 20 1 .Diversity training programs are generally intended to provide a vehicle for socializing otherwise unmanageable employees balancing work/life conflicts increasing awareness and examining stereotypes eliminating group learning Question 21 1. The unstructured interview is typically biased often only modestly related to future Job performance usually made up of random questions Question 22 1 . Who developed a three-step model for change that included unfreezing, movement, and refreezing? David McClellan John Cotter Lawrence Summers Douglas Usurer Kurt Lenin Question 23 .Electronic mail is the ideal method for conveying messages that might evoke emotional responses. True Question 24 1 . When a manager is evaluated on the degree to which he or she â€Å"has a good attitude,†the evaluation criterion being used is behaviors. True Question 25 1 . According to the Ohio State studies, the extent to which a leader is likely to have job relationships characterized by mutual trust and respect for his/her employees is consensus-building matrix LAP Question 26 conflict hinders group performance. Formal Functional Reactive Informal Dysfunctional
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Huck Versus Odysseus Essay
Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an important part of the American literary canon. Its importance, in part, derives from its tale of the development of a new nation, a development in both space and culture. Huckleberry Finn’s journey into the developing landscape of the South has some very striking commonalities with that of Odysseus’s journey in The Odyssey. With the characters, journeys and story structures being so similar between the two epics, it is imperative that analysis be given. Huck Finn and Odysseus are surprisingly similar given the time period in which they were conceived. They are both cultural heroes, embodying the ideals of their country. Huck is the epitome of the American rugged individualism. Throughout his journeys, he does whatever he wants while living on the fringes of society. Odysseus’s role in the Illiad gave him the status of a Greek hero because he outsmarted the Trojan army with his famous horse. He is known for being a clever and resourceful character, much like Huck. They are both skilled liars and trickster figures, and they use intelligence and their sly ways to get out of trouble. This is seen in the scene in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn where Huck escapes his father using intelligence not commonly found in a twelve-year old. There is a parallel to be found in Odysseus’s tricking Polyphemus to escape the cave. It is worth remarking that both encounters involve a much weaker person deceiving a drunken entity that is larger and stronger. There is one obvious similarity between the journeys of the two heroes: they take place on water. Although Huck’s journey takes place on the Mississippi while Odysseus’s takes place in the much more dangerous ocean, both journeys have a similar goal. Both heroes are searching for freedom. Huck wishes to free himself from society and Jim of enslavement, and Odysseus strives to free his beloved wife from the suitors swarming Ithaca. There are also similarities between what happens to the vessels the heroes travel with. Huck’s raft is destroyed by a â€Å"bulged out, big and scary†riverboat with â€Å"red-hot teeth†while Odysseus’s ship is destroyed by a wrathful Poseidon (115). Both scenarios show the heroes at the mercy of a more powerful entity that does not care of their well-being. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Odyssey have their own unique, individual structure, yet are still similar in this regard as well. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a highly episodic novel due to its publication in serials. The Odyssey is a Greek epic with a non-linear plot that gives it an episodic nature. Every two to four books in The Odyssey serve as new adventures of Odysseus. For The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, each chapter provides new exploits for the young hero. Such a similar structure would not be lost on readers of Twain who were acquainted with The Odyssey. The similarities in the epic journeys of Huckleberry Finn and Odysseus do not necessarily denote that Twain consciously attempted to recreate The Odyssey. There is not always a parallel between each scene of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Odyssey. It would not do to say that it is just a happy coincidence that both epics are so similar. Rather, it could be said that the similarities derive from a participation in what Joseph Campbell called the â€Å"monomyth.†An analysis between the two epics is an important exercise in intertextuality that allows for the audience to become a part of a larger literary tradition: that of the archetypal hero journey.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Action research
Action research This action research focuses on the problem and issues of developing a sustained premium level of interest, motivation and a work ethic in the potentially dangerous environment of the Material Design and Technology (MDT) classroom. This action research assignment is based on the Stringer (2008) method and was implemented to improve my teaching as I have recognized that students often seem disengaged in the classroom. If engagement can be enhanced this would then lead to a classroom environment that may have less behavioral management problems. The study involved the students of two grade 9 classes, both of which are predominantly male.The research question is "What effect does Problem-Based Learning, compared to Direct-Instruction, have on student engagement and student behaviour in the Material Design and Technology classroom?" The purpose of the research was to ascertain if a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach and freedom of expression in a project, as opposed to Direct-Instruct ion following a set plan distributed by the teacher, will result in a higher rate of student interest in their learning and if there is any influence on student behaviour in the classroom.The Hungry Hustlerz: Starvation Is MotivationThe Direct-Instruction lessons I commonly implement have the benefit for the student that they have specifically defined tasks and they are clearly aware of what is expected from them. This format also allows me a more regulated teaching plan and assessment criteria.This study is significant as the ability to engage students in the Material Design and Technology classroom should result in classes running more smoothly, with less behavioural problems, with students taking greater pride in their work as well as gaining deeper understanding of their learning. Allowing students greater freedom of expression in their work may result in students developing a stronger level of ownership over their learning and might result in a higher...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Halifax Explosion of 1917 essays
The Halifax Explosion of 1917 essays Thursday, December 6, 1917, a horrible incident hit the city of Halifax, capital of Nova Scotia. On this dreadful day, the second largest manmade explosion in History occurred in the center of Halifax harbor. The source of this disaster was the collision of two ships; the Mt Blanc and the Imo. 1917 was the time of the horrific war in Europe; however, Halifax, Nova Scotia, located on the Atlantic coast of Canada, comprised a huge part in this war. The port of Halifax was full of activity, busy with the movement of war ships, troupes, relief supplies and munitions. At the high point of WWI, ships would enter harbor and proceed through the Narrows to the Bedford Basin where they could unload and reload war supplies, troops, setup a convoy, obtain supplies, etcetera. Halifax was not underestimated during this damaging time, for Halifax had the largest role in the War for all of Canada, as a strategic port. The greatness of Halifaxs position can be attributed to her excellent distinctive ness. The natural harbour is deep, free flowing from ice year-round. Since 1812, Halifax has been defended by many forts placed on islands throughout the harbour as an authentication to the ports ongoing importance. More of late in the early part of 1917, Halifax served as a key convoy system to assist in the reduction of losses from other boats. The Bedford basin was ideal for convoys and ships to dock as it was isolated from the sea and other elements. Halifax, which was used in both World War I and II, remains a major port for the Canadian Royal Navy today. December 6, 1917, the factories were opening early at 7:00 to assist in efforts for the war. It was going to be a beautiful day, there wasnt a cloud in the sky, and the fog was already lifting and burning away at eight oclock ; the city had no idea what the day had in store. The Halifax Ferry was taking workers across the harbour from Dartmouth to Halifax for means of work, s...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Fix a Dried out Sharpie
How to Fix a Dried out Sharpie A Sharpie is a great permanent marker, but its prone to drying out if you use it a lot or dont seal the cap perfectly. You cant wet the pen with water to get the ink flowing (a tip that works for water-based markers) because Sharpies rely on organic solvents to dissolve the ink and make it flow. So, before you throw out dead, dried-out Sharpies or other permanent markers, try this tip: Sharpie Rescue Materials 91% Rubbing AlcoholDried Out Sharpie Pen Permanent markers contain organic solvents, which are notoriously bad about evaporating away before you get a chance to use all of the ink. To rescue a dried pen, you need to replace the solvent. The easiest option is to use rubbing alcohol. If you can find 91% or 99% rubbing alcohol (either ethanol or isopropyl alcohol), those will be your best bet for fixing your marker. If you have access to other chemicals, you could also use another high-proof alcohol, xylene, or possibly acetone. You probably wont have great success with rubbing alcohol that contains a lot of water (75% or lower alcohol). 2 Easy Ways To Save a Sharpie There are two quick and easy ways to fix a dried Sharpie. The first is for emergency use, when you dont need a lot of ink or for the pen to last forever. Simply pour a bit of alcohol into a small container or the pen cap and soak the tip of the Sharpie in the liquid. Leave the pen in the alcohol for at least 30 seconds. This should dissolve enough ink to get it flowing again. Wipe any excess liquid off the nib of the pen before using it or else the ink could be runny or paler than usual. A better method, which makes the Sharpie good as new, is to: Grasp the pen in your hands and either pull it open or use pliers to separate the two parts of the pen. Youll have a long portion that contains the pen and pad that holds the ink and the back portion that basically keeps the Sharpie from drying out when its capped or spilling ink on your hands when you write.Hold the writing part of the pen down, as if you were going to write with it. Youre going to use gravity to feed the new solvent into the Sharpie.Drip 91% alcohol (or one of the other solvents) onto the ink pad (same piece, but opposite side of the writing part of the pen). Continue adding liquid until the pad seems saturated.Put the two pieces of the Sharpie back together again and cap the Sharpie. If you like, you can shake the pen, but it doesnt really make a difference. Allow a couple of minutes for the solvent to completely saturate the pen. The solvent needs a bit of time to work its way into the nib of the pen, but you dont need to wet the writing part to get the ink flowi ng. Uncap the Sharpie and use it. It will be good as new! Just remember to recap the pen tightly before storing it for future use or youll be back to square one again.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Pollution Control Measures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Pollution Control Measures - Essay Example Consequently, this paper explores the merits of the three pollution control measures to establish the optimal pollution control measure that should be adopted by the countries. Discussion Benefits and marginal costs are compared to establish the amount of pollution that should be accepted in society. This is called the optimal pollution level, where the marginal social costs and marginal social benefits are equal. Similarly, the marginal cost of pollution damage and the marginal cost of pollution control are compared to establish when pollution control measures should be employed. Under this concept, pollution should be reduced if the benefits gained are higher than the control costs (Hoel, 1998). This is as demonstrated in the graphical representation below on the marginal cost of pollution damage versus the marginal cost of pollution control. Qmax in the graph above shows the maximum level of pollution that is expected when pollution control measures are not employed. Thus, the pol lution amount will drop from Qmax when the control policies are introduced in the market. On the other hand, MCD is the marginal cost of damage that is caused by pollution emissions. Similarly, MCC is the marginal cost of control that has the tendency of rising as the levels of pollution fall (Hoel, 1998). The optimal control level is represented by the Q* in the graph, where the MCD and MCC are equal. This is the level at which the pollution control cannot be exceeded since the benefits will be less than the marginal cost of undertaking the pollution control measure. This practice of balancing the marginal cost and benefit is known as the equimarginal principle (Hoel, 1998). Legal regulation is one of the pollution control measures employed by government agencies, which involves setting the emission standards for specific products or industries under the legislative guideline. The major advantage of legal regulation is that it specifies results compared to other control measures (W eyzig, 2009). Thus, it is possible to ensure that producers do not allow a risky level of pollutants. However, this control measure has the potential of experiencing inflexibility when the economic players are required to meet the same standard. This can only work where activities polluting the environment are same. Consequently, pollution tax is effective in an industry that has numerous and different plants. This will involve charging the plants by per unit of emission they make in their production activities. Taxation will be effective in controlling the level of emission since the plants operating in the market will consider reducing the pollution level provided the marginal cost is lower compared to the tax (Tucker, 2011). Under the taxation control measure, the Qmax of pollution before the pollution control measures are introduced will shift to Q1, as reflected in the graph below, when a pollution tax of T1 is introduced. This is because the manufacturers in the market will pr efer to lower their pollution level by undergoing a cost E shown in the graph, instead of paying a tax that is equal to F + E for these units as reflected in the graph above (Tucker, 2011). In addition, the manufacturers will be forced to pay a charge equivalent to B + D for the pollution level of Q1 they cause. This cost is lower than B+ D – E+ F that they will be required to pay if they do not reduce their pollution l
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Role of Hong Kong in International Trade Research Paper - 1
The Role of Hong Kong in International Trade - Research Paper Example  The greatest financial activity in Hong Kong is international trade and its government policies in terms of trade demonstrate its position as a hub for free trade. These policies comprise of minimum constraints and permit the market dynamics to standardize exportation and importation activities. It thus prohibits protective actions such as tariffs and rations as well as subsidizations as a method of circumventing deficits that may be experienced in balances-of-trade. â€Å"Much of the impetus driving the changing patterns of global trade since 1950 can be attributed to the role played by transnational corporations which are sometimes called multinational corporations†. Development of Hong Kong’s import and export industry.The activities associated with the import and export industry can be categorized as imports, domestic exports and re-exports and Hong Kong have embraced a free trade policy while erecting limited barriers to trade. â€Å"Adopting pro-export policy promoting exports through tax breaks, subsidies, and tariffs, and at the same time discouraging imports through taxes, duties, or quotas, is a common practice among emerging markets and developing nations†.There is no imposition of tariffs in Hong Kong in regard to importing and exporting goods, and the licensing requirements are maintained at a minimum. The imposition of licensing only takes place in the event that there is a genuine need for meeting obligations that are undertaken by Hong Kong to its partners in trade.
Heart of Darkness- Author Joseph Conrad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Heart of Darkness- Author Joseph Conrad - Essay Example In the beginning epigraph , Marlow’s comment about Congo as one of the dark places of the earth already provokes the reader to explore the meaning of darkness. Was it literal being in the dark continent? Was darkness symbolic of men’s hearts an d not the color of their skin? The succeeding discussion will illuminate us about the important quotes on the work of Conrad. In the novella, the setting, symbolism, motif and all point towards darkness whether literally or figuratively. However, a more sinister lesson is established in the story – that â€Å"darkness†is something constant in the hearts of men. Somehow, this is alluding to the Biblical explanation about the source of wars as explained in the book of James. All conflicts, wars and envy begins in the heart of man. Man’s heart is often considered as something full of evil desires and cannot be trusted. Although his actions may manifest something, his motives are deceiving. Colonialism is one of man’s longings for it brings power and wealth. Greed is one of the deadly sins which is a recurring theme in this literary piece. The heinous crimes committed against the natives can be traced to the roots of greed. In modern day-setting, there is no difference when one country invades another in the guise of helping when actually, it already impedes the democracy of the subordinate country so as to gain access to its resources. The intent is the same but the strategy is quite different. If in the novel the Belgian colonizers use force to impose their authority to the natives, modern and developed countries use trade impositions and political diplomacy to get what they need. At the beginning, the reader may think the Darkness being pertained to is the skin color of the Africans as well as the connotation that Congo is in the Dark Continent. But as one goes along the story, it can be sensed that even the natural surroundings are gloomy which forebodes something dark or
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Sex Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Sex Education - Essay Example er elements might need to be taught in future sexual education courses, Grace pointed to the fact that it could be potentially beneficial to integrate students with an understanding of Planned Parenthood or means by which many government and/or state sponsored programs seek to speak to the unique needs of the individual student. Ultimately, Grace described the sexual education course that she took part in as a useful and formative part of her early development (Scholz, 2013). Moreover, she indicated that with regards to speaking with parents concerning sexual topics, the interviewee noted that they had a very open and honest dialogue concerning such matters that began as early as late middle school and/or early high school. Conversely, the second individual who is interviewed, Priscilla Yua, noted that her sexual education class left much to be desired. Ultimately, with regards to the first question posed to the interviewee, the respondent noted that the sexual education course never seemed to deal with the realistic situations in which the student may very well face within their sexual growth and development; instead, it focused upon the grotesque, abnormal, and obscene. She noted that this was likely done as a means of horrifying the student from even considering any type of sexual intercourse for fear that they too might be irrevocably harmed. Similarly, with regards to what she most disliked about the program, Priscilla noted that it was the adolescent and juvenile behavior of the participants the most to the way from the experience (Yua, 2013). Likewise, with regards to what level of improvements could be offered, Priscilla indicated that transitioning sexual education to high school might necessarily benefit the individual due to the fact that they could take the... This paper approves that the fact that since individuals develop and mature at different rates, it is seemingly preposterous to assume that they should be taught extraordinarily personal and intimate details concerning human sexual development as a time in which they are ultimately upon different emotional and mental maturity platforms. By the way, sexual education is currently evidenced within the system that each and every stakeholder is satisfied with the level and extent to which key issues concerning sexual development have been covered and/or presented. Sexual education is begun within the elementary school and continues in the various means up until high school. This essay amkes a conclusion that it was the understanding of this interviewer that there was a clear level of correlation between those interviewees that had not discussed sexual topics with their parents/had not received formal sexual training, and those respondents that spoke unfavorably concerning the existence of sexual education or the net benefit they received while in public school. Although it cannot be inferred that the two this level of correlation there exists a definitive realization based upon us, it should be understood that is very likely that sexual attitudes, first evidenced within the family, transcend into the classroom and directly affect the overall level and extent to which be participant can hope to gain value such discussions.
Assignment one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Assignment one - Essay Example It has been observed that currently, tax laws are drafted in such a manner that they can reduce possibilities of tax avoidance. However, tax planning also paves way for lessening tax liability. The difference between tax avoidance and evasion is highlighted in the report along with appropriate examples. The report also elaborates on failure of the UK tax system, which attempted to equalise tax policies for all income group. The reason why taxation policies of UK are influenced by international and EU policies are depicted in the report. The methods are practised for reducing amount of tax paid by people. The main difference between the methods is that one employs legal means; whereas, the other is illegal and can be referred as tax fraud. The professionals, who are engaged in the documentation, help individuals in employing such illegal means for cutting down tax liability, which is highly penalized. Tax avoidance is referred as the â€Å"legal exploitation of tax regime to ones own advantage†(Azimuddin Law Associates, 2013). The attempt is undertaken in order to reduce tax amount, which are payable as per the tax laws and are fully disclosed in documents to tax authorities. The examples of tax avoidance can be cited as tax deductions and modifying business structure by incorporating or establishing an offshore for a company in tax haven (Simplified Finance, 2014; Azimuddin Law Associates, 2013). Tax evasion is referred as illegal practice for escaping tax. In this process, taxable income, profit that is liable for tax or other activities for taxation is hidden. The amount of income is misrepresented or the tax reducing factors like, exemptions or credits and deductions, are purposely overstated. The method can be regarded as an isolated incident within legal activities. Tax evasion occurs in informal economy, where illegal activities are extensively prevalent. This indicates the fact that the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Sex Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Sex Education - Essay Example er elements might need to be taught in future sexual education courses, Grace pointed to the fact that it could be potentially beneficial to integrate students with an understanding of Planned Parenthood or means by which many government and/or state sponsored programs seek to speak to the unique needs of the individual student. Ultimately, Grace described the sexual education course that she took part in as a useful and formative part of her early development (Scholz, 2013). Moreover, she indicated that with regards to speaking with parents concerning sexual topics, the interviewee noted that they had a very open and honest dialogue concerning such matters that began as early as late middle school and/or early high school. Conversely, the second individual who is interviewed, Priscilla Yua, noted that her sexual education class left much to be desired. Ultimately, with regards to the first question posed to the interviewee, the respondent noted that the sexual education course never seemed to deal with the realistic situations in which the student may very well face within their sexual growth and development; instead, it focused upon the grotesque, abnormal, and obscene. She noted that this was likely done as a means of horrifying the student from even considering any type of sexual intercourse for fear that they too might be irrevocably harmed. Similarly, with regards to what she most disliked about the program, Priscilla noted that it was the adolescent and juvenile behavior of the participants the most to the way from the experience (Yua, 2013). Likewise, with regards to what level of improvements could be offered, Priscilla indicated that transitioning sexual education to high school might necessarily benefit the individual due to the fact that they could take the... This paper approves that the fact that since individuals develop and mature at different rates, it is seemingly preposterous to assume that they should be taught extraordinarily personal and intimate details concerning human sexual development as a time in which they are ultimately upon different emotional and mental maturity platforms. By the way, sexual education is currently evidenced within the system that each and every stakeholder is satisfied with the level and extent to which key issues concerning sexual development have been covered and/or presented. Sexual education is begun within the elementary school and continues in the various means up until high school. This essay amkes a conclusion that it was the understanding of this interviewer that there was a clear level of correlation between those interviewees that had not discussed sexual topics with their parents/had not received formal sexual training, and those respondents that spoke unfavorably concerning the existence of sexual education or the net benefit they received while in public school. Although it cannot be inferred that the two this level of correlation there exists a definitive realization based upon us, it should be understood that is very likely that sexual attitudes, first evidenced within the family, transcend into the classroom and directly affect the overall level and extent to which be participant can hope to gain value such discussions.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Genome-wide screen for Salmonella genes required for long-term Essay
Genome-wide screen for Salmonella genes required for long-term systemic infection of the mouse - Essay Example In this respect animal models of the disease process being caused by Salmonella have proved to be quite useful. The process by which Salmonella invades and then onwards maintains itself in the host species is not only a complicated but indeed and intriguing process. It is also an example of adaptive evolution and selective preservation of a genotype. Given its prevalence across a range of warm blooded hosts it has been possible to study the infection and virulence factors in several species. For instance while, murine infection with Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium has been used largely to replicate human typhoid (caused by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi), bovine infection caused by Salmonella enterica serovar Dublin or S. enterica serovar Typhimurium has been the extensively used to model intestinal disease. The ability of Salmonella to exist within its host for months following the initial invasion requires it to resist any innate immunity or more likely evolve/adapt to resist the host resistance. Since these bacteria are well able to establish long term system infection in their hosts, the genetic factors responsible for such ability need to be well established to counteract any pathogeneicity. While, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi is a strictly human pathogen, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is a murine pathogen that is increasingly been used to model human typhoid (caused by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi). ... In the mouse model, S. Typhimurium invades epithelial cells and can survive and proliferate in macrophage before entering the blood stream and causing a systemic infection. The macrophages are ideal places for the bacteria as they are able to elude the host's immune response in this. Indeed it has been evidenced that the longest duration of stay for slamonella within the host occurs in the macrophages. However for the most part understanding of the murine salmonella species has been limited to the Nramp1 susceptible (Nramp1s) mouse strains i.e. the BALB/c and C57Bl/6. Macrophages from Nramp1s mice permit a much higher rate of serovar Typhimurium replication in vitro as well as in vivo as compared to Nramp1r (Nramp1 is functional) macrophages. While this has upuntil date allowed for observation of the diseased condition, the hosts (mice) invariably are most severly affected by the bacteteria considerabily limiting the scope of study. The paper here however focuses on the novel Salmonella persistence model based on the mouse strain 129X1/SvJ (Nramp1r), which are typically resistant to the replication of the bacteria not succumbing easily to the virulence. Consequently the bacteria can be obtained from systemic sites even up to an year post infection which would help to increase the time spectrum of study if need be. Clearly as intricate an adaptive mechanism as seen in the samlonella species would require the contribution of several genes and virulence factors.The invasion-associated genes are required for intestinal secretory and inflammatory disease, that intracellular survival in both the intestinal epithelium and macrophages is essential for
Monday, October 14, 2019
Project Phases Essay Example for Free
Project Phases Essay It is a matter of fact that people involved in project management have revealed that every project has its specific characteristics and phases which help to increase its effectiveness. Actually, all projects go through describable and definite phases. Phase transitions are considered an ideal time for updating planning guidelines and objectives and for conducting qualified management review. Usually, there are three project phases distinguished: planning, scheduling and controlling. Firstly, planning phase suggests that there is a need to evaluate each investment against others. During this phase the presented information should be clear and exact to make project board sure that they have made the right decision to initiate the project. When panning the project managers specify deliverables and identify requirements for a future plan. In other words, planning suggests identifying what is to be delivered, when, by whom and how. Planning forms the basis for control and management. Secondly, phase of scheduling provides details of project implementation and specifies its peculiarities. This phase ensures that managers have met all set goals and requirements, quality and cost specifications. A number of parallel processes is involved in this phase: monitoring the process, reporting the status, managing possible changes, checking that deliverable will meet the necessary outcomes, dealing problematic issues, etc. Thirdly, controlling phase is the final review of the project. It identifies whether the full scope of the plan has been met and whether the governance has been effective. This phase is very important as it gives the last opportunity to make necessary changes and to correct mistakes if they are present when this phase is over, the project is completed. Summing up all the three project phases are very important and can’t be ignored as they provide the basis for future success or failure of the project. Failure of any phase leads to failure of others if not managed properly. All phases need attention on a continuous basis. References Chapman, James. (2005, March 2). Project Phases. Retrieved January 27, 2008, from
Sunday, October 13, 2019
IntelliP: Effective Mechanism for Resource Monitoring
IntelliP: Effective Mechanism for Resource Monitoring IntelliP: Effective Mechanism for Resource Monitoring in Private Cloud Vivekanand Adam Abstractâ€â€Cloud computing paradigm makes huge virtualized compute resources available to users as pay-as-you-go style. Resource monitoring is the premise of many major operations such as network analysis, management, job scheduling, load balancing, billing, event predicting, fault detecting, and fault recovery in Cloud computing. Cloud computing is more complicated than ordinary network owing to its heterogeneous and dynamic characteristics. Hence, it is a vital part of the Cloud computing system to monitor the existence and characteristics of resources, services, computations, and other entities. Monitoring data between hosts and servers should be consistent, and data transfer from hosts to servers should be efficient. In this paper, I will use an effective mechanism for resource monitoring called IntelliP which is based on a modified push model. It reduces useless monitoring data coherency between hosts and servers in CloudStack. Keywordsâ€â€Cloud computing, Monitoring, self-adaptive, coherency, CloudStack, IntelliP. I. Introduction Cloud computing has rapidly emerged as a method for service delivery over TCP/IP networks such as the Internet. It disrupts the traditional IT computing environment by providing organizations with an option to outsource the hosting and operations of their mission-critical business applications. Cloud computing paradigm makes huge virtualized compute resources available to users as pay-as-you-go style. Resource monitoring is the premise of many major operations such as network analysis, management, job scheduling, load balancing, billing, event predicting, fault detecting, and fault recovery in Cloud computing. Cloud computing is more complicated than ordinary network owing to its heterogeneous and dynamic characteristics. Hence, it is a vital part of the Cloud computing system to monitor the existence and characteristics of resources, services, computations, and other entities. Apache CloudStack [1] is one of the most popular open source IaaS solutions. CloudStack is the best choice of all open source clouds to migrate the services and integrated the maximum security level in its architecture [2]. In IaaS Cloud environments, two aspects should be considered: 1. IaaS hardware and software: In Cloud environment, there are various kinds of hardware and software, including physical hosts, network devices, storage devices and databases. Monitoring system should obtain the performance data of these hardware and software, and report the real-time running status. 2. The Cloud user’s resources: Everything the user has in the Cloud. These are instances, disk volumes, guest networks, templates, ISOs, etc. For all these components, the Cloud user needs clear and reliable knowledge of their status. My goal is to develop an effective monitoring system for CloudStack which will use an effective mechanism for resource monitoring called IntelliP which is based on a modified push model and it reduces useless monitoring data coherency between hosts and servers. The monitoring system can collect utilization information from both physical and virtual resources. The monitoring metrics should be accurate, i.e. they are as close as possible to the real value to be measured. This can help the administrators know the status of Cloud system, and give end users a clear view of their resources in Cloud. II. Background This existing monitoring system named SCM is proposed to monitoring the Apache CloudStack platform [3]. SCM is a flexible monitoring system supporting for cloud environments, which can monitor both physical and virtual resources. SCM users can choose their interested metrics and set a custom interval. In order to meet these requirements, SCM needs a well-designed user interface, and flexible, dynamic data sources. In Clouds, monitoring metrics are also important to the billing systems, job scheduling and other Cloud components. Because of the characteristics of Cloud environment, the monitoring metrics will be dynamically changed and the volume of data may become very large, a scalable and high performance storage system is needed. The SCM monitoring system has four main functionalities, which are metric collection, information processing and storage, metric display, alert. The architecture of the SCM monitoring system is shown figure 1. Collectors In Apache CloudStack environment, the hosts have different meanings [1]. These hosts may be physical or virtual, customer instances or system virtual machines, so the metrics need to be collected vary with the host’s type. In the SCM monitoring system, they use collectors as the data sources which are deployed on each host. These collectors can easily be configured to collect different metrics. In fact, the collector Figure1. The architecture of the SCM monitoring offers a framework, in which users can develop their own programs to collect metrics they interested in. The collector periodically retrieves performance metric values from the host, e.g. cpu usage, memory usage, disk I/O. When the host becomes management server or storage server, the performance metrics of MySQL, tomcat, NFS and other CloudStack components are also collected. As mentioned above, CloudStack has different network traffics on a host, some of traffics do not to need be monitored. The collector monitors the public and storage traffics. The collector also monitors the network devices through SNMP. These metric values are then pushed to SCM Server. The SCM server The SCM server is the core of the SCM monitoring system. There are five main modules of the SCM server. Host aggregator is used to aggregate the metric values from the collectors. A host aggregator may receive metric values from a lot of collectors. Apache CloudStack provides an API that gives programmatic access to all the management features. They designed the platform aggregator to communicate with ACS management servers and call the ACS API through HTTP to get the CloudStack related information, such as the version of CloudStack and how many zones, pods, clusters and hosts in the current environment, etc. After a pre-set time, the aggregators send the metrics to the storage module. The storage module is used to communicate with the storage system, putting the metric values into the storage system or getting values from it. The storage module receives the metrics from the aggregators and stores all these data locally, when the metrics file is large enough, it puts the metrics into the storage system. This can reduce the I/O operations on the storage system. The statistics module is a data processing module. It analyses the metric values from the storage module and provides the average, minimal, maximum, performance outliers, etc. To improve the availability of the ACS, abnormal running information should be reported to the Cloud users immediately. The alert module obtains exceptions from statistics and records the information, and then notifies the Cloud user. If the ACS scale is large, there are hundreds or thousands of hosts, multiple SCM Servers may be needed for load balance. The SCM Client The metric values are organized as a tuple (metric name, timestamp, value, tags), these tuple are not friendly to the Cloud users. So just collecting various resource utilizations information is not enough to explain the observed performance of hosts or applications. In order to let the Cloud users easily to understand the meaning of these metric values, it is very important to display information in a simple and flexible way. The SCM Client gives an overview of the whole system, and displays the metric values in time series graphs with several filters, which is used to help the Cloud users quickly find the minimal or maximal of the current metric value or calculate the average performance in a period of time. Also the Cloud users can customize the graphs by selecting the metric names and tags in tuples. Then only the interested metric values will be displayed in the user interface. Storage system The metric values need to be stored persistently for analysis as well as displayed on the fly. Resources in the Cloud change dynamically and the deployment of the Cloud is large. Monitoring such distributed system may produce a large amount of metric values. So the storage system should be scalable and flexible, with the ability to collect many thousands of metrics from thousands of hosts and applications at a high rate. Above system uses pure push model for data collection [3], hosts initiatively send running status (CPU, memory, I/O, etc.) to a monitoring server. This model has better real-time, and makes the monitoring data between hosts and servers higher in coherency, but lower in efficiency. Usually, the push model is triggered by a time interval or exceeding a threshold. The value of time interval and threshold is important to this model. If the value is too small, even a little change on hosts may make the status information deliver to monitoring servers over a network. This may cause network congestion. If the value is too big, a lot of useful information may be ignored. It consist useless monitoring data coherency between hosts and servers. A pure Push or Pull model is not suited for many different kinds of virtualized resources III. Related work In Clouds, resource monitoring is the premise of job scheduling, load balancing, billing and many other major operations. Therefore, data coherency and real-time are important indicators for a monitoring system of Clouds. Elastic compute is one of the main characters of Clouds, resources in Clouds change dynamically. So the monitoring system should adapt to this kind of situation. To solve the above problem He Huang and Liqiang Wang proposed a combined push and pull model called PP model for resource monitoring in Cloud computing environment [4]. The PP model inherits the advantages of Push and Pull models. It can intelligently switch between Push and Pull models depending on the resource status and external customer request. But the combination of the push model and pull model is more complex to the pure push model and pull model. When there are a large number of requests, event driven method will increase the load on the monitoring servers, and the servers will become the bottleneck. The switch between push and pull has some extra costs [4] and it consist useless monitoring data coherency between hosts and servers. In an attempt to minimize unnecessary and useless updating massages, and maximize the consistency between the producer and consumer. Wu-Chun Chung and Ruay-Shiung Chang [5] have proposed GRIR (Grid Resource Information Retrieval), which is considered a new algorithm for resource monitoring in grid computing to improve Push model. They examined a set of data delivery protocols for resource monitoring in the push-based model, such as the OSM (OffsetSensitive Mechanism) protocol, the TSM (Time-Sensitive Mechanism) protocol, and the hybrid ACTC (Announcing with Change and Time Consideration) protocol. This hybrid protocol is based on a dynamically adjusted update time interval and the consideration for early update when the change is larger than a dynamic threshold. IV. Proposed solution We can use a self-adaptive mechanism for resource monitoring in Cloud computing environment based on push model. As mentioned earlier, push model has better coherency, but lower efficiency in small threshold situation. We can set up a transportation window to store metrics before they are delivered to the monitoring server. We can design an algorithm to control data delivery. The design of the Self adaptive Push Model Monitoring data between hosts and servers should be consistent, and data transfer from hosts to servers should be efficient. In this section, I introduce a self-adaptive push model called IntelliP, which is based on a modified push model. It reduces useless monitoring data coherency between hosts and servers. IntelliP has a transportation window, as shown in following figure 2. Figure 2: A push model with transportation window. When collectors get metrics from adapters on hosts, instead of delivering these data to servers immediately, they put these metrics into the transportation window. The window accepts a new metric and then compares it with the average value of the former metrics. (1) If diff is smaller than the current threshold, collectors put the metric into the window and keep accepting new data, otherwise, deliver the metric to monitoring server and empty the window. When the window is full deliver the average value of the metrics in the window to monitoring servers. The size of transportation window is not fixed, in order to adapt to the dynamically changing situation of Clouds the window size changes too. Small size means that resources change frequently, and large size hosts are running in a stable status. When the window is full, that means in the past periods of time, hosts were running in a stable status, and the next few periods may still in this status, so the size of window adds one. If diff is bigger than the threshold, it shows that CPU usage, Memory, I/O throughput or other resources of a host changed suddenly. This may indicate that the host becomes active. An IntelliP data delivery control algorithm At this moment, the window size reduces to half of the original size, so more metrics will be delivered to monitoring servers. In push model, the value of threshold is very important. IntelliP decides the size of threshold according to two parameters ÃŽ ± and  µ. Α ÃŽ ± has a close relationship with the current network condition. If current network condition is good, ÃŽ ± is small, more metrics would be delivered. While current network condition is poor, the value of ÃŽ ± increased, less metrics would be on the network. When the network condition is in an ideal status, the value of ÃŽ ± is 1. Another parameter is a constant value set by users. Users can customize the size of  µ according to their requirement. We use m_average as the average value of metrics in window, and define threshold as; threshold= ÃŽ ± Ãâ€"  µ Ãâ€" m (2) One problem is that if the host was running smoothly for a long time and resources usage on this host did not change a lot, then the size of window will be very large. This will lost a lot of metrics. We set an upper limit of window size to solve this problem, when the window size increases to the maximum limit, then the size would not increase any more. . V. conclusion and future work In Clouds, resource monitoring is the premise of job scheduling, load balancing, billing and many other major operations. Therefore, data coherency and real-time are important indicators for a monitoring system of Clouds. Elastic compute is one of the main characters of Clouds, resources in Clouds change dynamically. Using a self-adaptive push model called IntelliP, which is based on a modified push model we can build an effective cloud monitoring system which will reduces network congestion and also reduces useless monitoring data coherency between hosts and servers in CloudStack. In future I will try to improve data delivery control algorithm for increasing effectiveness and adaptive nature of monitoring system, which will be available for all. References Apache Project, Apache CloudStack, 2013 [online] Sasko Ristov and Marjan Gusev, â€Å"Security Evaluation of Open Source Clouds†EuroCon 2013, 1-4 July 2013, Zagreb, Croatia. Lin Kai; Tong Weiqin; Zhang Liping; Hu Chao, SCM: A Design and Implementation of Monitoring System for CloudStack, Cloud and Service Computing (CSC), 2013 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.146,151, 4-6 Nov. 2013. He Huang and Liqiang Wang, PP: a Combined Push-Pull Model for Resource Monitoring in Cloud Computing Environment 2010 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing. W. Chung, R. Chang (2009), A New Mechanism For Resource Monitoring in Grid Computing, Future Generation Computer Systems FGCS 25, PP 1-7.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Forestry Management Essay -- essays research papers
Forestry Management in Nova Scotia The Canadian forest sector has been a strong and vital element of national and regional well being. Through the management, harvesting, processing and marketing of timber resources, Canada has developed a reputation of being one of the largest timber resources in the forest industry. However, to maintain this reputation and economic well being there are several issues to address in order to protect and sustain this renewable resource. This paper will focus on the management of the forestry sector, particularly Nova Scotia. It will discuss the initiatives and techniques used of both private wood-lot owners and large industries in developing and implementing a forest management strategy. Nova Scotia is comprised of many forested ecosystems; hardwoods, others with softwoods and some with a mixture of both species. In order to maintain and develop these various ecosystems it is important to know how forest management impacts not only the forest itself but also other ecosystems within. For example, a clear-cut harvest can be compared to the same impact of a forest fire. However, forest fires do not remove everything which clear-cutting does. Recently clear-cutting techniques have changed to benefit Nova Scotia ecosystems by leaving clumps of trees, snags, and strips of forest to provide travel ways for wildlife. Forestry is also investigating other related issues of ecosystem management. To create and maintain the diversity of trees with a region (i.e. Hardwood and softwood), landowners leave several stands of both young and old growth within natural forest stands to enhance the biodiversity and health of the forest site. Normally clearcutting results in the re-pla nting of tree seedlings, however some species (spruce, pine) overpower the growth of the hardwood trees. This minimizes the level of specie diversity among a timber stand. By allowing these older sections of stands to remain aids to the natural growth and development of hardwood species. Also, the wood debris, a remnant of old forest growth is essential to the survival of many forest species and also acts as a recycler of nutrients back into the soil. During forest harvesting it is not always necessary to remove all the wood from the lot. Rotten or older growth can be left to contribute to the nourishment of natural forests. &nb... ... Systems. Government of Canada. 3) Kaufert, Frank H. Forestry and Related Research in North America. 1995. Society of American Foresters. 4) MacAskill, Ken. 1997. Nova Scotia Forest Production Survey. Nova Scotia Natural Resources. Government document. 5) Natural Resources Canada. 1997. Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable forest management in Canada. Canadian Council of forest Ministers. 6) Nova Scotia Cooperation Agreement for Forestry Development. 1994. Nova Scotia's Forest Management Strategy. July 1994. Forestry Canada. 7) Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forests. 1990. Canada / Nova Scotia Forest Resource Development Agreement 1982-1989 "An Overview." December 13, 1990. Forestry Canada. 8) Nova Scotia Natural Resources. 1997. Toward Sustainable Forestry. Government document. 9) Provincial Forest Practices Improvement Board. 1976. Our Forests. Nova Scotia Forestry Association.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Corporate Social Responsability for Supermarkets
This essay will introduce analysis of the UK supermarket sector and its impacts on a wide range of stakeholders . The responsibility for buying and selling is rapidly shifting. In today’s rising global community, supermarkets have embraced corporate social responsibility as an important element of their original role in contributing to shared goals, however in addition it enhances their capacity to the base line. In addition, trade seeks to establish their own values of corporate individuality while at the same time maintain public and ecological values and increase their market growth.Corporate social responsibility of supermarkets can mean different things to different groups and sectors. However there is universal agreement that in a global market system, supermarkets must play great role by creating jobs. By acting in responsible manner corporation must facilitate sustainable growth. (Deal, 1999) As a result, corporate performance must not just guarantee returns to shareho lders, wages to employees, plus goods and services to shoppers, thus must also accommodate the ecological concerns and values of consumers.An explanation of food provenance chart as an example of the influence of CSR, is provided below showing the difference in consumer choice in different ranks in UK supermarkets. In order to demonstrate importance of the CSR: % Factors in food and drink purchases, by rank, December 2007 Food provenance-UK- March 2008- What do Shoppers Consider Most important? The findings of this line graph, shows the consumer interest in home grown British food rather than foreign origin product.The supermarket structured business procedures and the environmental campaigns, to support British produce are the key reasons for this. This report also demonstrates the market repose to a consumer demand for particular products by offering quality food and drinks. UK leading supermarkets as well as corporations require to supervise corporate social responsibility as any other part of their food sales. Supermarkets are faced by means of a triple bottom line, to advance inexpensively, as well as being environmentally plus equally accountable.The growth of sales in social and financial growth is likely to continue. (Freedman, 2000) Why must supermarket be socially responsible? The initial part of the Roundtable focused on the query of how to describe what a socially responsible corporation is, and what a supermarkets does to be measured socially responsible. Even before to answer that question, a few people may ask, why a corporation have to be considering this subject? The reply is tied to globalisation. Globalisation is not just regarding the world nations, it is the consequence on appearance of a global civil society. Giddens, 1998) The world has been transformed due to globalisation, plus by the prosperity of this the environment in supermarkets. Solutions to consumer problems were to be established inside the free market structure and trade. The shopper’s influence on UK supermarkets in food factors at the different societies measured by ranks in 2007, can be seen in the chart below: % Factors in food and drink purchases, by rank, December 2007 The UK survey in 2007 sought to address what is important to customers when they choose foods. To make very clear customer preference, all food ranks has been used for this column table.Regards consumer perceptions of food, most of shoppers are willing to pay 10% more for British origin, organic or any other quality food, compare to conventional food (Wealtherel, 2003) The food industry faces many significant risks from public criticism of corporate social responsibility issues in the supply chain. Private standards initiative abound in food chains as retailers and brands seek to minimise the risks and also respond to new demands from society. The representation of a new form of regulation, which raises questions regarding domination in the UK supermarkets.Supermarkets have a tendency to maximise profits and concentrate on all concerns of consumer benefit, the interests of all consumers required to be considered in today’s UK supermarket systems. Globalisation has changed the inner power relations border by and inside supermarkets, and in the community as a whole. At the same time, in the late 1980s, the disagreement on corporate governance assembled power in the United States and in the United Kingdom, mainly in reply to corporate crush, corporate invaders and destabilised along, with aining as well as trade deception and dishonesty. Globalisation and the souk were placed an influence in the hands of the classified sector, however public disbelieve in the consistency and honesty of corporations was well-known and widespread. Concerns of responsibility, standard setting, plus globalism were core to the debate.It became obvious that supermarkets might no longer supervise the consequences of their trade, just by paying taxes and comply with nationa l rules. They are likely to take on better responsibilities for supervising their contact on community. Joseph, 2000) Trade itself in a course of development, practices and performance to convene the original anticipations of communities and community on it. At the same time as technological forces will carry on to force supermarkets to be internationally incorporated, law-making and shopper demand requires to be much further in the consumer field, and behave as a socially responsible company, therefore is becoming ever more challenging for supermarkets. A difficulty and the challenge for remaining markets with the regulations of CSR, in UK and abroad.Augmented public interest affects the method in which companies endorse their proposals. Policies that insist on corporation positive and politically right standards, such as hiring a public minorities or buying goods as of a precise basis, at times be undermining to its productivity and advantage of products. Usually profit-seeking su permarkets through demanding presentation should in addition to confront the shoppers. Deciding on which advance to take, is exclusive to each supermarket and depends on the trade distribution in which the business is situated.Redefining administration roles in the supermarket itself is not an option, however a need. Businesses will require to adjust and create a novel organisational representation for the 21st century. They require to develop efficiency in management, and apparent domination processes all through their organisation. (OECD, 2000) Socially liable supermarkets have to employ their workers worldwide in a business dream and mission declaration that promotes sustainable and enhanced excellence of life for all countries, for all workers, despite of their location.Becoming a global consistency is publicly reasonable and not just a public relations matter. Supermarkets are taking on the challenge by engaging as much as a possible with shopper, in addition to be able to have a positive impact on public relations and support by other sectors of community. Therefore, even though corporate social responsibility adjustments made by government in both the UK and Europe, supermarket trades still have to be concerned. Governments require to produce a strategy to structure whatever the trade and labour can negotiate situations in supermarkets.This requires a variety of legislative methods to be implemented in the country. It is obvious that there cannot be a, one measurement fits all, advance and assurance in trade behaviour, however there is a universal accord that there is a requirement for clarity of strategy and principles. In addition to the codes of conduct that an approved method is definitely wishes to be recognized in this region, so that social achievement plans can be developed plus social action have to become the standard.Developing finest practices for corporate behaviour will not ensue straight away, however by sticking to essential values, as a minimum move in the similar course in the direction of becoming a liable social related. (Oecd, 2000) The food industry faces many significant risks from public criticism of corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues in the supply chain. This paper draws upon previous research and emerging industry trends to develop a comprehensive framework of supply chain CSR in the industry.The framework details unique CSR applications in the food supply chain including animal welfare, biotechnology, environment, fair trade, health and safety, and labour and human rights. General supply chain CSR issues such as community and procurement are also considered. Ultimately, the framework serves as a comprehensive tool to support food industry practitioners and researchers in the assessment of strategic and operational supply chain CSR practices.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Political power
Does political power Acquisition always lead to negative outcomes? I do not believe this because it has many gains. Power could be defined as authority and strength which may include any form of physical force or energy, ability to act, or control. Thus, when it comes to political power, power means an ability to control an area or people for specific outcomes. Political power is that form of power that an individual or a society hold and it can be achieved in various methods. This power might be used as a tool to achieve positive outcomes such as bringing the prosperity to the members of society, can positively be used to influence people to take a particular course of action, to suppress any external aggression, power can also be used crash rebellions from within the state and it can also be used in making individuals in a state to stay peacefully and obedient to the states law. Political power might also be used as a tool to produce negative outcomes such as establishing a dictatorship, can be used to silence people who might be demanding for their rights, can be used in imposing your will on others forcefully and it can also be used to suppress and deny people to enjoy their rights. The meaning of using Political power negatively was clearly represented in the book ‘Animal Farm’ By George Orwell who Portrays how the negative use of political power. However, although George Orwell predominantly represents a negative use of Political power, it is highly unlikely that the acquisition of political power does not always lead to negative outcomes. The positive side political power is that it can be used in suppressing external aggression that might be directed to a particular state. It is power that a country or a state has that prevents other nations from interfering with the internal affairs of a country. This power is seen when military personnel are placed along the borderline that might be used by the aggressors in attacking. Any state that is unable to protect its national affairs is not worthy to be a sovereign state. This is because a sovereign state is that state that has its government, territory, and citizens and is able to protect its interests as well as the interests of the slate. This power is clearly portrayed in (Orwell G. I956; 45-54) when Mr. Jones armed with a shotgun appeared in what seemed to be a trial to recapture the animal farm. Mr. Jones together with about six men descended on the animal farm through the five barred gate carrying weapons like sticks but me Jones had a gun. He talked to his neighboring farmers Nilkington and Fredrick to help him in recapturing the farm. Finally the animals were able to chase these men out thus, they successfully safeguarded their sovereignty. This fight came to be named as â€Å"The battle of the cowshed†during their victory celebration. Another example of when power is used to prevent external aggression is of Cuba when what seemed to be self exiled Cubans who had sought refuge in United States of America turned to be rebels and attacked their own country with the help from USA. Fidel Castro organized his military men and within a short time the rebellion was crushed. Fidel had overestimated their power by directing all his military force on his enemies. Were it not for his powerful army, the rebels could have subjugated his country. Secondly, power can be used to suppress internal resistance or rebellion. When people start opposing the government that is place for no good reason, the country destabilizes, peace deteriorates and the economy of the country collapses. To prevent all these misfortunes, states use power in preventing or crushing those rebellions. This either done peacefully through dialogue but if it fails to be productive then, the only other alternative is to use force. A classic example of this is in the animal farm where snowball and Napoleon disagreed on the idea of constructing a windmill that would generate electric power that would be used in pumping water in each stall as well as heating these rooms. To show his displeasure, Napoleon decided to pee on Mr. Snowball’s sketches. Later when the animals convened for the weekly meeting, Snowball tried selling his idea to them but Napoleon appeared with nine veracious dogs that he had been rearing in secret. They descended on Snowball who fled out of the farm. When other animals tried to protest, a trained sheep silenced them by bleating at the top of her voice while singing that â€Å"Four legs good, two legs bad†while those dogs barked loudly (Orwell G., 1956; 85-90) Thirdly, power can be used in promoting and maintaining internal peace and stability. A good government is that which is capable of maintaining peace and providing security to its people. No government can do this if it does not have the required mandate or power to do so. A government is said to be in power if it is capable of commanding its police and its army. This is also clearly exemplified in the (Orwell G., 1956; 94-96) Napoleon who became the sole ruler after chasing Snowball became the one who controlled the dogs that he was rearing in order to achieve power. He used these dogs in reinforcing laws and ensuring that the animals obeyed the laws and ensuring that the animals obeyed the laws to the letter. Another example where power is used to maintain order is in the states of America. Every state has its governor, and its law enforcement agencies. The main aim of this is to ensure that people do not break the rule of law and abide by it. Just like the way police shoot criminals, that is what Napoleon’s dogs did. For example they ripped open the throats of the four pigs which confessed to have protested against the actions of Napoleon. (Grayston L.2000: 58-62) Fourth, power can be used to influence other people in taking or following certain desired course of action. For example, people, who are regarded as experts, have certain influential power. People tend to believe them and are assumed to know everything. Also if you are believed to have good characteristics, then you can highly influence others for example Oprah Winfrey is much capable of persuading and influencing many people in the whole world because of his attitude of believing in herself. For example, the squalor used his oratory skills to influence other animals. He even applied gestures to emphasize his points. Squalor that had round cheeks and shrilled voice tone talked brilliantly and when arguing a difficulty points, he swayed from side to side something that attracted many animals not forgetting the wagging and whisking of his tail. (Orwell G., 1956; 36) Power can positively used to create regimes, state or dynasties. Most dynasties in bible came to be because of power. This was after defeating many simple communities who were obstacles to their development here power was used to crush their resistance. This also happened in the same and made it to reach to its highest power levels. (Seagrave S. 1986; 103) On the other side of the coin, power can be destructive in that it can be used as a tool for establishing dictatorship or anarchism.  Here individuals misuse power so that they would become authoritarians. In dictatorial regimes the leader is above the law thus, no law on the land that is applicable to him. In other words, his deeds are not subject to questioning. This power misuse is evident in the Animal Farm (Orwell G., 1956; 42-47) Napoleon and Snowball were both pigs who almost disagreed in every thing. The final straw came when they disagreed on a project to construct a windmill that would generate electricity power to the farm. Napoleon used his secret weapon, nine dogs that were secretly reared to attack Snowball and chasing him away. They were both supposed to be the leaders of this farm but Napoleon usurped it after snowball was chased. These dogs were like policemen. They defended his laws, enforced it and offered him protection. He never walked outside alone without being accompanied by these dogs on both sides. He used these powers to alter the law as he pleased without consulting anyone and used his dogs to impose it on other animals. Another case where political power was used to create dictatorship is in Italy and Germany. Mussolini and Hitler used their political powers to ascend to power. They used the same force to clear anybody who stayed on their way. The same force was used to suppress their subjects in to submission of their laws. Hitler killed about six million Jews using his troops. After the First World War, he conquered and acquired other countries’ territories by force. Though this stabilized his country, it destabilized others. For example France lost its two provinces; Lorraine and Alsace to Germany. (Richard E., 2005: 250-252) It is used to silencing the voice of the people especially when they are demanding for their rights. This mostly is applied to those individuals who hold different opinions about the government or those who are referred to as radicalists. These are the people who are the watchdogs of human rights or whistle blowers. Many regimes have been noted to have used their political powers to silence these people either by giving them death threats or they are arrested and never tried. A good example of where power was misused in this way was in the Animal Farm. Napoleon used his veracious dogs to silence his fellow animals by killing them. For instance, the four pigs who protested after napoleon victimized snowball were killed. Their throats were ripped open by these dogs. Also the hen ringleaders who were protesting against lack of enough food and yet they were expected to lay eggs which would be used in buying grains for other animals to eat. They were killed immediately after they confessed that they incited other hens to lay their eggs from rafters so that they could smash on the ground. (Orwell G., 1956; 95) Also power is negatively used by leaders to protect their personal interests as opposed to those of the majority. Leaders change or alter laws so as to suit their selfish ends. For example in the past there was a law that said that four legs were good and two legs bad. This was made with an objective of discouraging any relationship with human beings but later after there was a shortage of seeds and other supplies, the pigs started trading with people in their neighborhood. A law that prohibited animals from sleeping in beds was altered to read that â€Å"No animal shall sleep in bed with sheets†this was altered with a motive of allowing the pigs to sleep in bed but without sheets. Another power misuse is of leaders who kill their opponents. Some people use their political powers in clearing these people who they refer as obstacles. Saddam was said to have killed about hundred and forty eight Shiites who were against his government. (Joseph B. 2003; 125) Political powers can be used in acquiring the properties of others illegally. When state of lawlessness exists, the strong ones take those of the weak. It is misused by avaricious leaders in amassing wealth by illegal means for example, (Orwell G.1956; 34-35) manor a 12 years boar who had earlier won the farm’s prize called a meeting of all the animals so that he could tell them about his dream and the prophesies he had. He also taught them a song called (Beasts of England). After he died, his prophesy and dream came true when Snowball and Napoleon rebelled against Mr. Jones land after he became obsessed with beer. He never fed his animals and this forced them to break in to the grain store. When Mr. Jones came with his hired men, the animals chased them away and usurped the power. After looking critically looking the pros and cons of political power, the positive side or the pros outweighs the negative effects of power. This because power when used well it brings out significant changes like good government, external aggressions are controlled. This is what makes a state to be sovereign. Power can also be used in acquiring new territories and properties that would increase the wealth and economic base of the country whereas it can negatively impact on the type of government in place, it can be used in silencing people but this issue can be addressed by the constitution and the international criminal court. This essay can be concluded by saying that acquisition of power does not always lead to negative outcomes, as there are many positive uses of power than the negative ones. The positive uses are like protecting the nation against external attacks, maintaining peace, crushing rebellions within the state, to positively influence people and on the other hand it can be misused in bringing anarchy, suppressing the subject from airing their grievances, leaders imposing their will on others and when used uncontrollably it can lead to abuse of human rights. Reference: Seagrave Sterling. The Soong Dynasty. Harper:  trade paperback publisher. Seagrave     Sterling.1985; 58 Orwell G. The Animal Farm: a Fairly Story. Signet Classic, USA. 1956. 36-96. Joseph B. The new Iraq: Rebuilding the Country for its People, the Middle East and the           World. New York, Basic Books.  2003; 125. Scott R E: Solving the Iraq Crisis. NCY: Simon and Scruster. 2002:78 Richard E. The Dictator: Hitler’s German, Stalin’s Russia. Penguin Books. 2005: 250-   252 Grayston L. Decision for Disaster: Betrayal at the Bay of Pigs. Potomac Books Dulles  Virginia 2000; 58-62. Â
Why speeches are bad
It's that time of the year again. It's that time of the year where we have to write a speech, plain old useless speech which we are never going to use again. HI my names and I'm going to talk to you about public speaking and how painful and pointless it is. The time it takes to write a speech is frustrating and annoying, you spend days writing your speech or if your one of those kids who can't be bothered writing a speech, because of how frustrating It Is.You spend one of your busy nights trying to find a decent speech to copy off the Internet, don't worry Mr./Mrs. – lilt copy this speech off the Internet, I can't say the same for the rest of the class though. Then there's the speaking side of your public speech, the part where you spend the night before printing cue cards, rehearsing It around the house, you then get to your big day you feel prepared you've rehearsed you have even brought your cue cards to school. Then there's your big moment and you forget everything you hav e rehearsed, you Just had last year's public speaking champion speak before you.The butterflies in your stomach are going mad. You start reading your speech, you start stuttering so much that you keep your head down and start reading off your cue cards which are really just your speech cut up into several pieces. You finish your speech and wait for your feedback and all you get is C. Teachers will argue with you that public speaking isn't pointless that it will help you in the future, that maybe so but is it worth spending 4 weeks of school. Two of which are school holidays. Is it worth it? My name is -? and this is why I think public speaking is pointless and painful.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Hierarchies, Incentives and Firm Structure Essay
Hierarchies, Incentives and Firm Structure - Essay Example They suggest that it contains the majority of elements that a partnership has only that it defines the period that it will end. However, joint ventures have been said to have their own predicaments. This paper describes the joint venture of SynChem and Henlin Biotech in utilizing their power in chemical research in technologically upgrading the chemical industry in China. This happened after SynChem had submitted their first application for a patent after discovering the linker technology anti-body drug conjugate (ADC) (Cheng, p.76). The paper additionally describes the benefits and/or problems that all of one of the participants in the joint venture. Finally, it discusses how the joint venture could be set up in such a way so that it still produces the potential benefits but avoids some of the pitfalls inherent in such projects. 2.0 Benefits and Pitfalls The chairman, president and other esteemed guests from Henlin Biotech visited the offices of SynChem with an intention of negotiat ing a joint venture with the company on upgrading the chemical industry in China. These visitors said that by combining their capabilities in research, both companies would greatly benefit in modernizing or upgrading their technologies. There are numerous benefits or pitfalls that such a joint venture may encounter during the course of executing business. The companies in the joint venture may benefit by making local contacts with people who have a greater understanding of the problems that technology is having within the Chinese chemical industry (Ekvall & Evan, p.90). These local contacts may help the companies in building closer relationships with other players in the industry who may bring in additional information and resources for the benefit of the joint venture. Both of these parties that are involved in the joint venture may in turn gain experience on the matters affecting the industry in addition to becoming more familiar the rules or practices used within the Chinese chem ical industry (Bouchikhi & Kimberly, p.112). The joint venture that SynChem and Henlin Biotech are into will greatly benefit both companies that have combined their talents along with resources for achieving their objectives (Cheng, p.88). This is mainly because the companies will be able to pool together their individual workforces, equipment, finances and expertise in overcoming any risks that they may encounter in the industry. Both of the companies in the joint venture may also be able to obtain additional capital sources for facilitating their activities. Their joint venture will enable them to have stronger capital bases from which they can draw finances, additional cash or contributions on their capital from the shareholders within them (Hamilton & Zhang, p.165). The move would greatly enable them in preventing shortages of cash which may hamper their activities or the profitable completion of their projects. The companies within this joint venture which are SynChem and Henli n may additionally benefit through their increased bidding powers and bonding capacities. The companies combined efforts may assist them in attaining more powers when making bids in future projects. This is because the companies in the joint venture may have an extra ability of raising the resources and finances required to complete various projects (Campbell, p.87). Since SynChem is more experienced and
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Current status, Potential, Limitation of wind energy in Qinghai Term Paper
Current status, Potential, Limitation of wind energy in Qinghai - Term Paper Example This research paper focuses on the potential of wind energy generation and scope for future development in Qinghai Plateau in future. During the study data would be collected about the present status of wind energy in Qinghai; then depending on Qinghai Plateaus special topography and meteorology situation, an effort would be made to figure out the potential of wind energy in Qinghai. Well, the venture is not without its share of problems and limitations. Therefore, during the study it would also be my endeavour to find out the limitations in developing the wind energy. In general the study is being undertaken to understand the advantages of wind energy and the potential that Qinghai Plateau holds for future. The conversion of wind energy to various other useful forms, like electricity, is known as wind power. Wind energy is converted into these forms using wind turbines. It has proved its potential as a source of electrical energy in many parts of the world. The first use of wind energy was through wind mills. Wind mills had engines which were in turn used to produce energy using wind. This energy was usually used in rural and agricultural areas for grinding, pumping, hammering and various other requirements in farms. Even today, wind energy is used in large scale wind farms to provide electricity to rural areas and other outside locations (Yongjun Chen, Yong He, 08.2008). Wind Energy is advantageous over traditional methods of creating energy, in the sense that it is getting cheaper and cheaper to produce wind energy. Therefore, wind energy is bound to become the cheapest method of producing energy on a large scale in future. But, production of wind energy depends on geological, geographical and meteorological conditions prevailing around the region. For any given area, the direction, velocity, and duration of wind would be quite variable, depending on local topography and temperature differences in the atmosphere. Qinghai Plateau reaches to the middle of
Monday, October 7, 2019
Observe, Analyze and Report Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Observe, Analyze and Report - Term Paper Example What are the unique characteristics and behaviors of the members of each group? These are just some of the questions which one hopes to answer after observing the social groups in a school canteen. The observation day was conducted on a Monday at around lunch time. From one’s conversation with some students, one learned that it was an exam week for high school students. One sat at a corner table of the canteen. It was around 11:30am, minutes before the students’ lunch break. One was ready with a pen and paper where the observations of the groups will be written. A few minutes later, students started arriving at the canteen, right after finishing their tests in two subjects. They will be having two more long tests in the afternoon from two different subjects. This information was volunteered by one student whom one got to talk to. The first group that arrived was a group of five Asian American girls who were talking in their native tongue while entering the canteen. They all had slanted eyes, fair complexion and dark hair. Their clothes were simple and modest. They wore shirts, denim pants and sneakers. They all carried back packs. Aside from the back packs, they have books and folders on their arms. They sat down on one of the corner tables of the canteen and put down all their bags and books on the table. One expected them to bring out their lunch boxes or go to the counter to get their food but they did not. Instead, they were discussing in English, the test questions from the tests that they just took. After around 20 minutes of talking to each other, two of the girls stood up and went to the food counter. The remaining three girls meanwhile brought out their lunch boxes. Two girls brought out what looks like rice and a viand. While the other one brought out a cup of instant noodles soup with chopsticks. The two girls who went to the food counter then came back with sandwiches, milk and juice. They all started to eat their lunch with conversati ons in between. One then focused one’s attention to a group of ten rowdy boys and girls who entered the canteen. They were obviously sports jocks as evidenced by their sports jackets. They wore branded rubber shoes. They were masculine and handsome teenage boys. They were with some pretty blonde girls who were fashionably dressed and with make-up on. They were giggling and teasing each other, oblivious of the crowd in the canteen whose eyes all turned to them when they entered the canteen. From observation, one can conclude that two pairs from the group were in a relationship. One pair was holding hands while the other pair seems extra sweet to each other. The group chose the center table at the canteen and connected two other tables to make one long table. Being an exam week, this group of students does not look like they care about their studies. Although they also carried books, one sees no sign of them discussing anything about the tests that they have just taken or revie wing for the other two exams for the afternoon. Theirs was a carefree attitude, the exact opposite of what one observed from the group of Asian American students. After socializing with each other, they all went to the food counter. Most of the boys got a hamburger and fries while the girls got salads and fruits. The third group of students that one got to observe is a group of four male nerds. This is the group known in the school as the weird, intelligent guys who lacked social skills. One knows that this is the nerd group because
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Law in Practice Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Law in Practice - Case Study Example As you have been convicted of an offence under this section, your driving license will be endorsed with minimum 3 points as per code CD 30. Once the points reach 12, you will be banned from driving for a specified period of time.1 However disqualification is discretionary. The trend now is looking at it as a poor driving as held in R v.Simmons.2 The circumstances under which you ran into traffic lights are quite understandable in that you had been under great mental stress trying to digest the prospect of losing your long held job for no fault of yours. This you confided with your friend Maggie and the fact that you are a quite a responsible person is proved by your conduct of informing your husband on phone that you would late. The breathalyzer test also revealed that there was no abnormal drinking on your part. You stopped by the accident spot without speeding up and that mitigates your offence. More over Roger Cooke who was hit by your car was reported to have not worn his seat be lt and been carrying an expired insurance policy. Had he been careful, accident could have been averted and the damage to the body and the vehicle could have been minimized With these things weighing in your favour, you can appeal against your conviction and have your points further reduced. As for, the personal injury claim from the Cooke, you have to inform your insurers about the accident and face the claim suitably considering the fact the Cooke also contributed to the damage by not wearing seat belt and by not renewing his insurance policy in time. Maggie, who was in the car with you at the time of accident, could testify as to the mental condition you were in because of the impending redundancy threat in your job. All these defences would mitigate the severity of the punishment and also the quantum of the personal injury claim you might expect from Cooke. As he has suffered whiplash injury after effects of which can arise even after many years, the claim is likely to be substa ntial. As he was not in his seat belt, he was thrown out of the car and hence his personal injury claim can be resisted. Much depends on the degree of fault on your side and also on his side as contributory factor. But as you have been convicted under section 3, you can not altogether avoid payment of personal injury claim from Cooke which any way your insurers are going to handle provided your insurance against third party risks was in force at the time of accident. The fact Cooke did not have insurance at the time of accident would be called into question only if he were to meet a personal injury claim from you which is however not the case. You should not ignore the claim when received. You should respond quickly within 14 days of
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